Friday, March 24, 2017

Pega PRPC Interview Questions - Part 1

In this post we will see, what are the questions can be asked for Pega PRPC Interview. 
We will see Some Pega topics such as Activity, Declarative Rules and Decision Rules.
Some possible questions are given below Topic wise:

Activity: - Basic level:
1. Name some Obj-Methods?
2. Difference between obj-Open and Obj-Open by handle
3. how u do do exception handling in activity?
4. Diff between Obj-Save and Obj-Save write now option?
5. How do u call Decision table and tree in activity?
6. In obj-browse u will mention class name, what it represents, what is the use of it?
7. What is lightweight results in obj- browse?
8. How u will get a value from page list? give the steps? or how u will identify it has duplicate values?
9. How u will validate the pages, what r the methods used for validating?
10.What is the use of parameters and local variable?
11.What are RDB Methods? When u will use it?
12.If i want a page list in an order, how will u do it? what method is used? (obj-Sort)
13.How u will lock the work object what method u will use it?

Intermediate level:
1.How u will load data page using activity?
2.what is method used to call the actiivty asynchornously, tell some scenario where u can use it?
3.What is the use of Goal Seek property?
3.While calling Desicion table, allow missing property check box is there, what is the use of it?
5.what is the use of May Start or "Allow direct invocation from the client or a service" check box and Require authentication check box?
6.if u want to restrict the user from running activity for particular class of particular use groups, what u should do? to pass the parameter page to another activity?
8.if u want to make one activity generalised, how u will do it? which class u will prefereed to write activities and why?
11.what are extension rules?
12.which one is preferred Obj or RDB?
13.when u will use RDB? why?
14.How u will clear the excetion in the activity?what method is used.?

Declarative Rules: - Basic
1.what are declarative rules? to execute that rules? or how we can trigger this declarative rules to calculate the value of the shipping pricing area?
4.what is fwd chaining and backward chaining?

Intermediate Level:
1.What declare on change and Declare trigger will do?
2.When u will use those?
3.Any example for using declare trigger?
4.How will i capture or track the values of a property in a work object?(declare trigger - pyTrackSecurityChanges for adding history)
5.What will be usage type of activity for this?(Declare type of activity)

Decision Rules:
Basic Level:
1.when u will use decision table or Decision Tree give some examples? u will return more than one value from Decision Table?

1.How u will delegate Decision Rules or any other  rules to particular users? u can restrict the values in decision table which they can edit?

Note:if you have some other questions, which u think can be asked, comment below, we will add it up in the post, so it will be useful for others.