Tuesday, August 8, 2017

About Skin Inheritance

In Pega, to seperate presentation layer and Data layer segragation is done using Skin.
So we no need to change the sections and datas if we need to change the display format.
we need to modify only in the skin.

For every organisation, there will be standards to follow, so that it will be similar across the applications. In normal HTML way, Organization CSS will be applied to the application Level CSS and any changes or customization will be done in the Application Level CSS. Same way to implement in pega we can use Inheritance in Skin rule.

Under Inheritance Tab we can mention, Organisation rule to inherit in the application level Skin. On top of that Organisation skin, some customized style can be added.

For Example, Consider the below Skin as application rule and pyEndUser Skin as Organisation Rule.

In the below image we can see the overridden the style which is mentioned in the application level,

Same way we can add new style in application or if we want to overriden the exisitng skin from Organinzation we can reuse the some of the style which will be as Overridden.