Sunday, April 28, 2019

Config Settings in PRPC Pega - Part 1

Config Settings in Pega PRPC version 6 and above:

Please find the sample config xml tags (prconfig.xml), if any specification need to do for some particular nodes alone.

In this post, we will see few of the tags used in our application, had added explainations which I know. Remaining tags we will review in next upcoming posts.

Please add if you have any settings which is not given below and usage of its. It will be helpful for understanding.

<!-- All the config settings are explained in details for pega 6.2 version, but still the same config settings can be used in 7.1 also, Updated versions are yet to get, if any one get the updated, please share the link in comments, it will be helpful for all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- system name which you wanted to give -->
<env name="identification/systemName" value="CustomSystemName" />
<env name="identification/cluster/public/address" value="" />

<env name="initialization/persistRequestor" value="OnTimeout" />
<env name="initialization/useNativeLibrary" value="true" />
<env name="initialization/explicitTempDir" value="${pega.tmpdir}" />
<env name="initialization/explicittempdir" value="/amp/apps/tcpegaewf00/properties/explicitTempDir"/>

<env name="initialization/displayExceptionTraceback" value="false" />
<env name="initialization/persistrequestor/usepagelevelpassivation" value="false" />

<env name="initialization/passivationinterval" value="7200"/>
<env name="initialization/ContextRewriteEnabled" value="true"/>
<env name="initialization/SetBaseHTMLContext" value=""/>
<env name="initialization/preloadengineclasses" value="com.pega.pegarules.priv.util.StackTrace com.pega.apache.log4j.spi.ThrowableInformation"/>

<!-- As of 6.1 SP2, settings are available in the database but are not yet the default -->
<env name="initialization/settingsource" value="file" />
<env name="initialization/settingsource" value="merged" />

<env name="authentication/trojanhorseprotection" value="1"/>
<env name="diagnostic/clipboard/pageNamesToTrace" value="CTIPhone" />

<!--for setting time out for the application --> 
<env name="timeout/application" value="14400" />
<env name="timeout/browser" value="14400" />
<env name="timeout/portlet" value="9000" />
<env name="timeout/thread" value="7200"/>
<env name="timeout/page" value="7200"/>

<!--HTTP related config settings -->
<env name="HTTP/SetSecureCookie" value="true" />

<!-- AES related config-->
<env name="management/enabled" value="true" />
<env name="management/interval" value="120" />
<env name="management/notifications/appender" value="ALERT-AES-SOAP" />
<!-- use the following entry to specify resource adapter logging level at startup,
<env name="pradapter/loggingLevel" value="INFO" />
<env name="agent/enable" value="true" />
<env name="initServices/initEmail" value="true" />
<env name="initServices/initFile" value="true" />
<env name="initServices/initJMS" value="true" />
<env name="initServices/initMQ" value="true" />
<env name="initservices/initmq/pollers" value="true" />

<!--Tracer related config settings:
You can adjust the buffer size of the Tracer header to increase the limit for unprocessed events. By default, the system saves up to 50,000 items for unprocessed events during a Tracer operation. If the buffer exceeds this limit, Tracer processing ends.
<env name="tracer/queue/type" value="file"/>
<env name="tracer/queue/file/limit" value="nnnn"/> 
<env name=" tracer/queue/header/limit" value="nnnnn"/>

<!-- Database related config settings -->
<env name="database/storageVersion" value="6" />
<env name="database/databases/PegaRULES/dataSource" value="java:comp/env/jdbc/PegaRULES"/>

<env name="database/databases/PegaDATA/dataSource" value="java:comp/env/jdbc/PegaRULES"/>
<env name="alerts/database/acquireConnectionAlertMS" value="200" />
<env name="database/transactionalLockManagement" value="Standard" />
<env name="database/baseTable/name" value="pr4_base" />

<!-- One database instance can support multiple separate systems that use distinct schemas. The prconfig.xml file for each system must correctly identify the schema to use. 
<env name="database/baseTable/schema" value="schema name" />

<env name="database/drivers" value=";oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" />
<env name="database/databases/PegaRULES/url" value="jdbc:sqlserver://serverName:1433;SelectMethod=cursor;SendStringParametersAsUnicode=false" />
<env name="database/databases/PegaRULES/userName" value="a_username" />
<env name="database/databases/PegaRULES/password" value="a_password" />

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Logging in Pega PRPC - Part 2

Logging in Pega PRPC - Part 2

In this blog, we will see about logging the pega rules in log file for debugging purpose. But once debugging is done, it should be removed, else performance of the application will be bad.

How this can be achieved, has been given in detail in the pega PDN link below:

From the above link we had taken small part, which is logging the rules.
By Adding the below format in the prlog4j2.xml file in 7.3 version and out of the log file will be as shown below:

Sample format in the XML:
Under loggers object, you need to add this logger tag name.
name will be the rule type,which we need to trace or debug, but it should be given in java class.

The format for the Pega 7 Platform Java class instances is a three-part name, separated by periods.

  1. The leftmost part refers to whether the object in question is an activity, a when rule, or a model. The name refers to the class of those objects: Rule-Obj-Activity, Rule-Obj-When, or Rule-Obj-Model, with underscores instead of hyphens.
  2. The middle portion of the reference is the actual name of the object (the activity, when block, or model).
  3. The final portion of the reference is the class on which the activity, when or model is defined. For the example above, the reference would be: Rule_Obj_Activity.Validate.Work_General

If the final portion of the name was omitted (Rule_Obj_Activity.Validate), then messages for all Validate activities would print out, regardless of in what class they were defined. Likewise, if developers are interested in printing out messages for all Activities, they should use the first part of the reference (Rule_Obj_Activity), to get all messages for activities.

<Logger name="Rule_Obj_Activity" additivity="false" level="info">
<AppenderRef ref="PEGA"/>

<Logger name="Rule_Obj_Model.pyDefault" additivity="false" level="info">
<AppenderRef ref="PEGA"/>

Sample log file generated:

2019-04-10 23:14:45,091 [http-nio-8080-exec-3] [  STANDARD] [                    ] [       VISA:01.01.01] (Rule_Obj_Activity.Invoke.Rule_Connect_REST.Action) INFO  localhost|0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 Author.VISA - Starting remote service invocation...
2019-04-10 23:14:50,048 [http-nio-8080-exec-3] [  STANDARD] [                    ] [       VISA:01.01.01] (Rule_Obj_Activity.Invoke.Rule_Connect_REST.Action) INFO  localhost|0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1|Rule-Connect-REST.Pega-Int-PDN-Rss.pyRSSConnectService Author.VISA - Finished remote service invocation

Above log file has been generated, when Rule_Obj_Activity.Invoke.Rule_Connect_REST.Action this activity is called during execution.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Logging in Pega PRPC

Logging in Pega PRPC:
Logging is an important component of the software development. 
A well-written logging code offers quick debugging, easy maintenance, and structured storage of an application's runtime information.

By default pega had configured Log4J for logging.

Details about the components is explained in PDN link:

Log4j artchitecture you can read it from the below URL:

More details of the prlogging.xml structure is well explained in the apache site

In logging, all the objects are segregated into two major Object Types:

Core Objects: Mandatory Objects of the framework. composed of objects like Logger Object, Layout Object, Appender Object.

Support Objects: Optional Objects of the framework, but yet do important tasks. This is composed of objects as Level, Filter, ObjectRenderer, LogManager.

In this post we will see how we can customize For Pattern Objects:
Sample Example from Pega prlogging.xml file given below:

<Pattern>%d [%20.20t] [%10.10X{pegathread}] [%20.20X{tenantid}] [%20.20X{app}] (%30.30c{3}) %-5p %X{stack} %X{userid} - %m%n</Pattern>

this is the current logging pattern, we will change this as 

%-6r [%t] %L %-5p %c %x - %m%n

r - meant for elapsed time
t - for thread where its logging
p-priority(info, warn, debug, etc)
c-full class name from where logging is happening
n-to enter new line

With the above format if we restart the server, to check the new format in pega log.

14752  [localhost-startStop-1]  %I  INFO  com.pega.pegarules.generation.internal.PRGenProviderImpl [] - invokeDynamic instrumentation for inlining is enabled
14752  [localhost-startStop-1]  %I  INFO  com.pega.pegarules.generation.internal.PRGenProviderImpl [] - Assembly Version: 762781845

Set of available logging parameter references are given in the below links, we can do play around to see how its used. some default logging parameters some are overridden for pega.